April 30, 2005

My Nick Frost (Spaced, Shaun of the Dead) Interview

Along with Suw Charman and (briefly) Cameron Reilly, I interviewed Nick Frost a few days ago for The Movies Show on The Podcast Network. It's a damm good interview, and even though it's been through more filters than some cheap coffee to get the final result 'broadcastable' it's well worth setting aside an hour to listen to this. The comments from a lot of Nick Frost fans is that the last ten minutes, where Nick opens up, makes their heart bleed for Nick. I agree, but it's a hundred times worse when you're actually doing the interview. Half of me wanted to just stop and change subject rapidly, the other half realised that it was exactly why we were doing the interview.

Anyway, Nick, thank you very much for the time, and putting up with the technical difficulties at the start. The question I have to ask is, who should I try to get next on the show?

Posted by Ewan at April 30, 2005 04:14 PM | TrackBack
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