June 16, 2024

Jerry Sadowitz Interview

In The Scotsman. Top bloke, no matter what you might think.

Posted by Admin at June 16, 2024 09:00 PM | TrackBack
Hello there. Yes I'm a girl from Denmark...who's 15 years old. And I don't want comments for that, thank you. The point for this message is that I have watched "the people vs Jerry Sadowitz" only two times...yet I think I should watch it every time it's in tv...because I have never seen a commedian like him. So provoking but bloody brilliant. If he should see this message one day in year 37000 I don't mind if he offences me...or anything...I DON'T CARE very much...hes has got his reputation and ego, but I would be chocked if I heard him say a compliment to someone who complimented him. He just says "Oh shut up" or "!!!ding!!! thank you!(while he rolls his eyes and looks irritated and bored)" I think hes brilliant, I'm not offending him, but he could surprice even someone like me if he once sayd a compliment to someone who coplimented him....but...oh well...he doesn't seem like someone who would do what other people wished that he would do...and that's very very respectable in my mind. Have a great life. Say hello to Jerry Sadowitz from me if you see him one day.... Posted by: Charlotte Hass on July 21, 2024 11:08 AM
Oh if anyone wishes to say something or contact or anything at all...all they have to do is to write an email to me at: [email protected] Byedebye!!! Posted by: Charlotte Hass on July 21, 2024 11:11 AM
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