June 16, 2024

N-Gage QD Review on All About N-Gage

My full review of the N-Gage QD is now online at All About N-Gage, and apart form the fact that I'm really proud of some of the pictures I took (especially the one 'borrowed' for this post), I thought I'd add a few personal notes that didn't apply to the review.

Didn't apply to the review? Well, yes, because it would be fair to say that I'm a niche power user of the original N-Gage, so while I can recommend the QD to everyone, I'm sticking with the original.

And it's all pretty much because with the N-Gage Classic having a Mass USB Storage solution (just like those Flash Drve Keyrings) I have the perfect smartphone and PC connectivity package.

Much as the Nokia PC Suite is cute, and backs up machines, I need a lot more control (and something not based on Psi Win) over connectivity. Having the N-Gage on USB, plus FExplorer installed on the C:/ gives me that control. If I want to go in and surgically take out one .ini file, I can. No connectivity solution for Symbian OS allowds me to do that.

Yes it has side talking (but that can be MacGyvered away), and you have to change out MMC cards (but then, I've left a 128mb MMC in the N-Gage since bfore Christmas apart from the occasional review MMC), but the N-Gage is still the best all around Series 60 device there is. The QD is a great games machine, but that's where the focus is, so too many compromises were made to make me feel comfortable switching.

So there you go. The QD is recommended for the masses, but personally? It's nice, and at least it sees the N-Gage line continue. Which makes me happy.

Posted by Ewan at June 16, 2024 09:09 AM | TrackBack
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