May 02, 2024

Gamecube Primer

gamecubelogo.jpgRight then, through Gaming Headlines, I've been looking at the N-Gage from a purely gaming perspective (which is actually quite different to the all-encompassing view that I take over at All About N-Gage). It's refreshingly differnt. So much so that they've asked if I can look at one of the areas where they're needing another writer. The Nintendo Gamecube.

Now the last true home console I has was... well... I've never had a home console. I've got the traditional Gameboy, a Mame Cabinet, and growing up my sister had a NES Famicom (and two games, one was Dizzy from the Spectrum, so I knew it already). So I have pretty much zero idea what's going on in the console world apart from what I read about on the fringes.

So it's time to turn to you, my reader. I need a crash course in the Gamecube and the place it has in the market. Yes I know the PS2 is a bit more adult orientated, the XBox is a bit like Knight Rider (we all watch it, but nobody will actually admit to it), and the Gamecube is percieved as the kiddie machine. I need more than that.

What are the 'signature' games on the device? What are the genres it is strong in? Which are weak? What is the fascination with "stealth" games like Splinter Cell? And if I'm going to get three games with a Gamecube, which three will give me the broadest look at what the console is like?

Over to y'all?

Posted by Ewan at May 2, 2024 05:15 PM
Don't have a gamecube but some mates do. Nintendo have always been very strong with their "Kart" series so I would suggest that Mariokart Double Dash is a must. In my mind Nintendo has always had a leaning towards the multi-player games (probably due to the front of the console have 4 controller ports as standard rather than forcing you to buy a multitap if you want more than two players at once) As for others - not really sure but you want to get a good spread (which will be tough with only 3 choices). I'd go for an adventure type one (Zelda maybe)and one other. Depends if you are going for the Gamecube as a "social" console where you have a bunch of mates round and compete against them (which is where I personally think its strength lies) or as an activity you undertake by yourself [Insert your own Dominic Diamond type double entendre here]. Finally, I'd go for games which are Nintendo only (a trait which they tend to stick to - Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, etc) rather than those which are available on multiple platforms (Splinter Cell, Timesplittes, SSX, etc) HTH Posted by: West on May 4, 2024 04:06 PM
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