March 03, 2024

20 Week Scan

So - the important stuff.. Everything's perfect, the baby's measuring between 21+1 and 21+5, which is about a week ahead of my dates, but they said it doesn't affect my due date. And there were two sonographers there when we asked about the sex and they both answered at the same time and then one said but that's not 100% definite, but I reckon there's a good chance they're right...

It's a girl!

Well, what a morning! We got to the hospital far too early - why is it when you get out the door bang on time, the bus comes straight away and there's no traffic jams? So we took a leisurely stroll across the hospital after picking up my notes and arrived at the ultrasound department at 10.20am. We'd barely sat down when they called me! The available room was tiny and as the sonographer was trying to find somewhere safe to put the buggy, another, larger room became available so that was great. Eilidh got a bit upset as I got up on the bed-thing. We had crisps and water and a Fimbles book and her dolly with us, but she ended up howling the whole way through. Anyway, the sonographer got to work trying to get all the measurements and check the bloodflow to and from the heart, but she was fighting a losing battle against an extremely active baby! After 45 minutes and enlisting the help of another sonographer to see if she could hit the freeze-frame button any faster! The poor woman was almost in tears of frustration and they were both pleading with the baby to stay still even for a whole second. They gave up and told me to go for a walk for about 15 minutes and they'd try again.

Eilidh was beside herself by this point so it was a welcome break to give her a cuddle and take her for a walk. We ended up going up and down the stairs. I really needed the loo so it wasn't so comfortable! Then we went back into the waiting room and Eilidh discovered the big bead thing with the curly wires and was playing happily on that when they called me again. Ewan stayed with her in the waiting room this time and she didn't notice me leave. I heard her howling as I was getting up on the bed in a different room. Ahh well.

So the original sonographer was there and another one, they both tried to get the last few elusive measurements and to check the blood flow from the heart. The second sonographer got called away when they had everything except the bloodflow checked. She tried again and again then went and got another sonographer and between the two of them they finally managed to check the bloodflow. The last sonographer also managed to get a picture. They all just kept saying they'd never seen such an active baby :)

Posted by Ewan at March 3, 2024 02:30 PM
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