September 21, 2003

Going Away for a Few Days

Just posting this (via the mobile) before jetting off to Munich for a few days. Yes Oktoberfest is on, but business calls and you'd be a fool and a communist to think that the Festival being on is just a coincidence. Not looking forward to leaving Vikki and Eilidh at home, but the Mother In Law is back on Monday so she'll have compnay for the rest of the time.

If anyone calls me, you'll get the answerphone - but that's free so I'll still get all your messages (roaming answerphone is free) but at 30p to receive a call, and 70p to make a call, don't expect an answer till I get back mid-week

Posted by Ewan at September 21, 2003 12:44 PM
Come on man, we're waiting for news of Oktoberfest!!!!!!!! :-) Posted by: Chris Redpath on September 26, 2003 03:11 PM
Chris, from what Ewan hints at (and there are surprisingly few photos...) it was wall-to-wall busty wenches in lederhosen serving vast quantities of beer... oh, and an oompah band. hrm... ;) Posted by: Jadeviper on September 27, 2003 05:57 PM
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