September 17, 2003

Introducing "This Is Mobile"

So here's a little thing that Vikki and I have been working on. This Is Mobile is a news site that will look at PDA's and Smartphones (so all the Microsoft, Palm, Symbian, Linux, Java and other devices that are 'portable,' but not laptops, okay?). Rather than re-write every single press release that comes out, TIM (we even have a nice abbreviation for the site) will link to the original news story. And while we'll carry editorial at some point, the majority of that will be left to Your Symbian, All About Symbian and Mobitopia.

TIM itself is not just on the website. It has multiple RSS feeds for News Aggregators, a WAP/XML version for mobile phones, and a PDA (Low Bandwidth, simple layout) version for PDA users. Why not pop along and bookmark the site - and if you want to grab the banner to use it on your site, feel free!

Posted by Ewan at September 17, 2003 07:00 AM
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