February 23, 2003

The Mighty Shark Joins The Legion

Joining the ranks of arr-arr-arr Dick Dastardly, The Hooded Claw and Gripper Stebson is Finbar the Mighty Shark!

Rubbadubbers is the simple story of how, when you're not around, all your Bathroom Toys come to life. And while the series has the usual mix of characters with hang ups, problems, and the good old "I'm always cheery!" character (in this case voiced by John Gordon Sinclair, the hen pecked husband in thoose bloody Tesco adverts...), there is only one true character.

Finbar, the arr-arr-arr Mighty Shark!

Ditch all the other stories concentrating on fluffy feel good vibes from the Buble Bath Dragon afraid of the Water (ferchrissake - it's a bathroom, get over it!) and lets have "The Finbar Show!"

Oh and while I'm at it, whcih smart alec decided the Hasbro toys wouldn't be out till August? When I was young they released Transformers way too early, now I can't get mny Wind Up Shark until the show's been on for months? What gives with Capitalism?

Posted by Ewan at February 23, 2003 08:12 PM
You'll have to wait for your birthday for the shark I'm afriad, and only if you've been really good... Posted by: Rafe on February 24, 2003 11:34 PM
Firstly, Terence the bubble bath bottle is a Crocodile not a dragon... Secondly, the bathroom is full enough of baby toys without you adding to it! Thirdly, get your soggy cornflakes away from me! Fourthly, you've had pretty much every toy you wanted, I've even let you keep Crow even though I think it's the most hideous thing ever. You've got a Tickle-Me-Elmo and a Rock-n-Roll Ernie... you're 28 ffs! I think it's time to stop wanting toys from a show created for three year olds. ;) Rafe, don't encourage him! :) V xx Posted by: The Wife on March 2, 2003 09:53 AM
The "Real" Finbar was published (as a comic strip)in 1985. It is a trademark of a different individual than those who claim to have created the show now. The original Finbar lives in a hot-tub with many other characters, sound familar? The "real" Finbar has never gone away. Stay tuned... Posted by: Ghost of Finbar on May 24, 2003 04:36 PM
I Arr Arr Arr agree with the fact that finbar should be the primary character. Posted by: Soylent on September 29, 2003 05:11 PM
Ok, so we've seen cuddly Rubbadubbers at tescos, and hard plastic Rubbadubbers elsewhere, but no bath toy version. They ARE bath toys !!!!! My daughter is going to want to play with them in the bath ! Posted by: tiM` on October 11, 2003 11:40 AM
I totally agree!!! Finbar is a very good character and to be perfectly honest the "arr arr arr" is just too cute and kinda "bitchin" at the same time! Excuse me for posting my coment at a odd time but I was waken up bye my son who wanted to hear the Rubbadubbers theme song out of because its his fav. kids. . . go figure Posted by: Finbar fanX on October 20, 2003 11:56 AM
Hello all... Does anybody know of anywhere I can purchase the Finbar talking hand puppet other than the UK Toys R Us site? I cannot pay in pounds, I'm from New York! Thanks... Posted by: Steve on November 10, 2003 09:11 PM
That Finbar toy looks kickass... the perfect thing to attack toy boats in the pool. It would make a worthy opponent for some of my other creations. When/where can I buy one? Posted by: Omega on February 5, 2024 08:40 PM
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