Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Wednesday, 2024-09-22

Dealing with comment spam

Let’s face it: it’s a war we can’t win. But in the meantime, here’s how I handle the (modest, for now) amounts of comment spam on my site.

I’ve set up wbnotify to mail me when I get a comment. When spam arrives, it’s usually consistent in the form of included URLs, i.e. the same link is posted more or less at the same time.

I got a script called from somewhere (if someone recognises this as their handiwork, please contact me so that I can attribute this correctly). This script makes it very easy to search your writeback files for the offending string, and to optionally delete them.

This solution is dependent on you having command-line access to the writebacks themselves, but I suppose it can be used “offline” if you download the files via FTP and run the script locally.

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