Ewan's Musings http://www.symbiandiaries.com/ewan/ The day to day ramblings and thoughts of a Scotsman in England. en-us 2024-06-09T10:29:41+00:00 The (Harry) Houdini Museum http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001546.html This BBC Article (and the same news in Metro) was something I read when I couldn't post to this blog last month. What really got me was this quote from the Curator. BBC: By telling people how this trick works, we're giving people a deeper meaning of Houdini. Metro: People... Ewan 2024-06-09T10:29:41+00:00 NotCon Thoughts (It's Over!) http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001532.html Well, NotCon is finally over. Yesterday (Sunday 6th June) saw the first NotCon, or the sequel to Extreme Computing 2002, or the British equivalent to O'Reillys Emerging Technology. But whatever you called it, it looks like everyone actually enjoyed themselves at the event. Probably the two best indicators from an... UK Technology Conference Ewan 2024-06-07T09:15:00+00:00 Blogging Back On-Line http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001526.html "Good evening, Rafe. Everything's running smoothly." If you can see this, we've managed to fix MT and everyone on Symbian Diaries can start blogging again. Yaay!... Personal Thoughts and Messages Ewan 2024-06-06T23:51:09+00:00 Link Dump and Quick Thoughts http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001521.html There's a fair bit going on, but no time for me to write up some full length entries. But strangely, I don't want to not post something here. I think part of it is that I've been watching Russ Beattie's Blog and it's been a bit disheartening. Russ is a... Links to my Articles Ewan 2024-05-25T10:06:26+00:00 Fun 1 Goes Live http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001511.html Jim and I have been 'piloting' Fun 1 on Symbian Diaries for a few Formula One races now, and we've decided that (a) the internet needs a really good and funny Formula One blog and (b) we can do it. So please visit Fun 1 (http://www.fun-1.org/) and join in our... Links to my Articles Ewan 2024-05-21T11:45:00+00:00 Cannes Critics Collective Cheer http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001501.html Michael Moore premiered his new movie, Farenheit 911 (The Temperateure At Which Freedom Burns), at Cannes yesterday. Normally the critics are a reasonably good judge of a Film at an event like this. And from what I hear, the enjoyed it. They really enjoyed it. It was given a 20... Personal Thoughts and Messages Ewan 2024-05-18T10:00:00+00:00 Some Light Follow On Reading after Panorama http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001493.html So Panorama were irresponsible to broadcast a show that said "we're not prepared to fight even the most obvious of terror attacks in London?" I disagree strongly. Where is the planning and the reassurance from the Government? Or are we left with a toothy Blair grin that says "we... Personal Thoughts and Messages Ewan 2024-05-18T09:55:00+00:00 What's in My Gadget Bag? http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001498.html Hey, who's this bloke being interviewed by Gizmodo? Cripes it's me!!! Ewan Spence takes the road less traveled, and he takes it often. Besides taking part in running All About Symbian, one of the largest community sites for Symbian Smartphones in the world, he's also one of the people... Links to my Articles Ewan 2024-05-17T15:45:00+00:00 MT 3.0 Thoughts - Pricing Structure is All Wrong http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001479.html So Six Apart have decided that they'd like to make a decent amount of money from Movable Type. I don't, on refelction, have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is how they are charging. They're giving limits to the number of authors and blogs you... Personal Thoughts and Messages Ewan 2024-05-13T17:31:08+00:00 ==Censored== http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001477.html At the #joiito meeting last night, I was told something about something that I really like. But I can't tell you what it was about. Just that the news is really good. Damm.... Personal Thoughts and Messages Ewan 2024-05-13T16:09:17+00:00 More of My Writings You May Have Missed http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001392.html Review of Super Yum Yum, a J2ME Puzzle/Logic gamne for Series 60. Preview of Ashen for the Nokia N-Gage. Review of the Keychain MMC Holder (!)... Links to my Articles Ewan 2024-05-02T17:35:35+00:00 Gamecube Primer http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001391.html Right then, through Gaming Headlines, I've been looking at the N-Gage from a purely gaming perspective (which is actually quite different to the all-encompassing view that I take over at All About N-Gage). It's refreshingly differnt. So much so that they've asked if I can look at one of the... Console Gaming Ewan 2024-05-02T17:15:00+00:00 You Idiots!!! http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001347.html Hey you, mind my Irn-Bru! Yet another reason America is really going downhill in my opinion. Thanks to Martin for the link.... Personal Thoughts and Messages Ewan 2024-04-30T14:15:00+00:00 It's the Rebels Sir.They're Here.. And They've Got a Flag http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001334.html Somewhere there's a book entitled "How to Cock Up An Occupation" and America seems to be following it to the letter. They've now decided that in all the problems of war, of terrorising entire cities with helicopter gunships and snipers that what the Iraqui people really need is... a new... Personal Thoughts and Messages Ewan 2024-04-28T09:28:12+00:00 Let Sleeping Sir Humprys Lie http://www.symbiandiaries.com/archives/ewan/001324.html I'm not a politician, but even I can see there are some things you should never do. You can get away with upsetting the public. You can get away with upsetting your cabinet. Heck you can even get away with having an affair with Edwina Currie (shudder). But the one... Personal Thoughts and Messages Ewan 2024-04-27T09:41:17+00:00