Vexed (Series 60) Reviewed on Foxpop

"As far as I’m concerned, the "Killer App" for the Nokia Series 60 phones (7650/3650) has arrived" says John Woodthorpe in his review of Vexed at Foxpop.

Posted by Ewan at 11:45 AM | Comments (1)

Series 60 Version Proving Popular

It's only been out a week, but the download statistics for Vexed on the Series 60 phones (by now you should know these are the Nokia 7650 and 3650's) are absolutely stunning. In 7 days, over 2000 copies of Vexed have been downloaded. Whoever you are (and before you get to level 30...), thank you!

To give you a comparison, the Nokia 9200 version has had 4500 downloads since it's last update in early December 2002. When companies and people talk about the sheer volume of Series 60 devices compared to any other Symbian (or Psion) device that's been to market, they're not kidding.

Posted by Ewan at 06:00 PM | Comments (29)

Review on All About Symbian

Langdona has reviewed the Nokia 9210 version of Vexed at All About Symbian, awarding it 90% and an "All About Symbian Mega Game!"

Posted by Ewan at 12:21 AM | Comments (0)

Review on Symb City

Vexed on the Psion Series 7 has been reviewed at SymbCity, and it scored 10/10.

Posted by Ewan at 12:14 AM | Comments (0)