April 28, 2002

Series 60 Devices

The OPL runtime for Series 60 was released (under the LGPL) in 2003. Vexed followed on moments after the runtime release - partly because I am part of the Open Source OPL Project. Being the first OPL application for the Series 60, Vexed has an important role to play.

Note that in this first major release, only the first level pack (The Original Levels) is available to play. As the OPL Runtime matures, Vexed will grow and allow the additional packs to be installed and played.

This version of Vexed is compatible with the Nokia 7650 and 3650. It should also run on any Series 60 device with the OPL Runtime installed (eg the Siemens SX-1 and the Nokia N-Gage).

Download Links
Application (v0.60)
Level Pack 1 "The Original Levels"
Level Pack 2 "The Later Levels"
Level Pack 3 "First Variety"

Posted by Ewan at April 28, 2002 06:00 PM
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