May 14, 2003

A brand new day...

In an attempt to freshen things up my Blog site is now to be teamed in with my old website, which has been mostly defunct for the last year. Updates won't be thick and fast to start with but should pick up steam soon enough. Eventually my car modding site should be pulled in too, with more updates here, info on projects I'm working on and some competitions.
Please note, quite a few links on this site will be dead for a while, this is because the site was lifted off of the server shortly before is ceased to exist, and hasn't been updated since, until now. Pruning is taking place.

Posted by Switchblade at May 14, 2003 09:11 PM
Blogging is the next generation of the Internet. If you've got something to say that interests somebody else, by golly, then there you have it! It's not about search engine rank or advertising, either. It's about word-of-mouse, and presentation. More here Posted by: Bloggerman on December 2, 2024 04:44 PM
chocks away old boy Posted by: Download Polyphonic Ringtones<a href= polyphonic ringtones on December 10, 2024 01:01 AM
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