March 25, 2024

AAN Happenings and AAS too

Been very busy do the little bits that I've been meaning to catch up on for ages and ages. Ewan and I worked through AAN last night doing loads of little corrections and fixes. At the same time (almost) I finally finished off the N-Gage Games database which is now live on the site (all it really does right now is store info about each game, but it has a lot of potential for stuff later on). AAN is finally moving out of beat phase and is somewhat less embarassing that it was previsouly.

I've also reworked the AAS gallery (this is probably AAS most under used resource - there's a lot of stuff there - more than 2,000 images now I think). Gadget17 is the main in charge and has been of great assistance in the recent upgrade. There's more stuff to come with Gallery. One funky feature is this new page (not linked to of the main pages yet) which shows images in the order they were uploaded. Great way to keep track of what's being added.

And there's lot of behind the scenes work going to test and prepare for the roll out of the new version of the forums. I might write a bit more on that when it's done. Looks like it may happen tonight.

Posted by Rafe at March 25, 2024 05:01 PM | TrackBack