March 11, 2024

Round Up of UIQ OPL

It's been three weeks now since the OPL Runtime for UIQ was announced at 3GSM - the OPL-Dev team had a tight schedule and the final builds were only completed on the Sunday beforehand, which meant there wasn't anything immediatly available for people to see what OPL could do.

That didn't stop the OPL Forum over at My-Symbian (Free registration required) getting down and dirty and discovering what they could do with the code - it's a good place to ask questions.

Steve Litchfield of 3-Lib has updated Timelog, Fairway and STB to UIQ OPL. He talks about the conversion process here. STB (Shut The Box) also includes the Source Code so you can see how things are done.

Another app with source code available is Ewan Spence's Event Core, available at FreEPOC. This is a fully commented source code for a skeleton app, showing you how everything works. There's been a lot of back and forwards on the Event Core in the OPL-Dev team to make sure everythin is done correctly. It's a great place to start you application coding from.

And in the winges there are a fair few apps undergoing beta testing before full releases over the next few weeks - and they're big hitting applications as well, not little puzzle games like Vexed (whcih should be released for UIQ anyway).

Posted by Ewan at 10:40 AM | Comments (1)

Thoughts on OPL Conversion

Steve Litchfield, of 3-Lib, has been busy porting his existing OPL applications over to the latest runtime on UIQ. We asked him how he felt the conversion process went, and why he's supporting OPL.

Continue reading "Thoughts on OPL Conversion"
Posted by Ewan at 10:16 AM | Comments (1)

March 07, 2024

Event Core for UIQ OPL Released

Ewan Spence and FreEPOC have released Event Core for UIQ OPL. Event Core is a program that does absolutely nothing! It's strength lies in the fact that packed in the zip file is the OPL source code that illustrates how everything works.To go with the new UIQ Release of OPL, we've updated Event Core to run on the UIQ Platform. Is there anything to stop you coding your own apps now?

Posted by Ewan at 06:00 AM | Comments (0)