May 10, 2003

What does open source opl-dev consist of?

From the source code point of view, the opl-dev project contains the C++ code for:

* OPLT, the OPL translator, which converts OPL programs to .OPO files
* OPLR, the OPL runtime. This loads and runs the .OPO executables
* OPX, several OPL extensions, for accessing Symbian OS subsystems e.g. comms
* TEXTED, the OPL editor. This is the app most OPL developers will see.
* OPLTOOLS, a set of PC-based development utilities.
* DEMOOPL, the example app which demonstrates OPL features.
* OPLDOCS, some porting guide info
* OPLRSS, a script for driving the resource compiler for OPL programs

All this is held in one source codeline, with compiler conditional flags (for example, #ifdef __SERIES60_) building the code for one type of device where appropriate. There's more info about controlling the build in a 'readme.txt' file in the source package.

What's missing?
Lots of functionality for the S60 OPLR. Things like menus, dialogs, t9 interaction.
TEXTED for Series60. This is a major piece of work which hasn't started yet
And lots of the OPXs haven't been tested on S60.

Posted by ricka at May 10, 2003 11:06 AM
I just stumbled across OPL a couple of days ago and am excited. C++ and Java are overly complicated for many tasks. OPL may be just the right combination of simplicity and power for my needs. But ... (always a but) most of the applications I want to build need some communications functionality. I noticed that OPL on some platforms offers IRDA support. Given that, is simple Bluetooth, HTTP, and/or IRDA support in the cards for OPL on Series 60 and/or UIQ/7.0? Perhaps through an OPX? This would allow net based information apps as well as multiplayer games, PC remote control apps, and more all to be created in OPL. Anyway, thanks for the cool tool to play with (installing the series 60 SDK now) and I can't believe that I had never heard of it before considering I have used BASIC in so many different environments over the years: 1. Apple II BASIC (1980's) 2. QuickBasic on DOS 3. Visual Basic (3, 4, 5, 6, .NET) 4. MacStandard Basic (Mac) 5. RealBasic (Mac/Win) 6. CASL Basic (PalmOS) 7. Chipmunk/HotPaw Basic (PalmOS) 8. NS/Basic (Newton, Palm) 9. AppForge (Palm, WinCE, Symbian UIQ) and now OPL Posted by: Dean Sanvitale on May 15, 2003 04:55 AM
Dean, Thanks for your interest. At the moment the SourceFroge developers are working on getting the OPl Runtime on all three main platforms (Communicator, Series 60 and UIQ) to an identical 'stable' state. Once this is done, the library OPX's and additional OPX's (like you mention) would be looked it. It's better to get three runtimes to a sensible state rather than roar ahead with just one! Certainly I think that an HTTP opx to give similar capabilities to the MIDP platfrom should be high on the list. Posted by: Ewan on May 20, 2003 10:04 AM
Hi, As Dean, i passed across OPL some weeks ago, and have been increasing my interest in it, eventhough some questions remain... in the final series60 release, will the developer package make the Whole c++ header wrapping on its own? i don't think so, correct me if i'm wrong. This is the one problem i have; i moved to Mac OS X, and found out there are none (NONE) SDKs for mobile phones, and only a small move from SUN has been made know for supporting MIDP programming on the mac... ( So when i saw the Compile on the device thing (i own a nokia 7650), i became happy again... until i discovered the 100% mobile process is only possible on a nokia 92**... if you have any suggestions, be free to give them (please do) keep working you OPL programmers, Posted by: Humberto Pereira on September 16, 2003 08:28 PM
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