May 14, 2024

Unofficial build (u.01)

Ok well I end up being busy with a flight to texas. (arg!!)

Anyways I reported the core and cleaned up much. Everything is hunky dory on my side minus some section I still need to clean up and fix (pc save state code not compatible with n-pop savestates so savestates taken out.

I am not releasing source yet untill I take care of a few more things. so hopefuly in a week or two. The development enviroment is much better and anybody who helps can just code in the win32 version with visual studios then just run the mmp to compile for symbian.

So what is so unofficial? Well your suport is the text file and that is all.
Sorry..... As well the mention above of no source code. All official releases will have ths src distrubted the same day.

Anyways enjoy. The build is unlocked so all neo geo pocket roms will run (but at a slow fps still).

Download Build (u.01)

Oh if you plan to directly link. Please keep the full link in so I can keep track of the downloads.

-- Update --

Just a minor note but 7650 & 6600 users will have problems. The build should work fine for N-gage & 3650 users though.

Posted by subbie at 03:39 PM | Comments (9)