March 01, 2024

Minor Update & Notes

Hello everybody. I would just like to thank everybody for their suport over this small test. I am pleased with the feedback many have sent in. I would like to say sorry to all nokia 7650 & 6600 users. I know of your problems and I'm working to have them fixed before the next release. 7650 users, please keep reading to see how to run the emulator.

Few notes I think I should mention.
.) I know the fps is 7-8fps (no frameskip). Sadly EVERYTHING runs at this speed, B&W; roms, Color roms & PD roms. The emulation core needs heavy optimisation and I am working hard at improving it for everybody.
.) I know there is no sound. The z80 core is already being emulated but I do not output the sound because at 7-8fps it will be horible. The next build will have sound suport and options to disable it.

Help for 7650 users.
.) Install the sis file to the phones memory.
.) Use a file explorer (fexplorer recomended)
.) Go to c:\N-Pop\
.) Run N-Pop
.) Note - Savestates will not work since it's trying to save to E and is failing.

Posted by subbie at 10:27 AM | Comments (0)