March 30, 2003


Bush and Tony Blair: "This war is for OIL"

Bush and Tony Blair: "Food for Oil program"

No comment....

Posted by malebuffy at 08:16 PM | Comments (3)

March 26, 2003


Well the past 2 weeks were hell for me. I had some health issues that finally got cleared up. I am the old Muffy again (oh god how gay is this). Peace.

Posted by malebuffy at 02:32 AM | Comments (1)

March 19, 2003


I am quite happy with the looks of my blog for now. I want to create a WAP blog similar to the mobile version of JyriK. However, I just want to focus on posting blogs for now.

Is it just me or is the WAR not on TV....

Well it might be just me but the past weeks the media were fludded with WAR news. Now that War is one day away.....nothing? So I ask. Is it just me? Or is this done on purpose? Arent there any journalists? What is going on...

There are useless docus that were shown a zillion of times on BBC ONE and TWO. Channel 4 shows Skiing. ITV shows football. Channel 5 (no reception...and I live in the city centre of Newcastle).

I heared some weeks back that this will be a silent war...not like 12 years ago. There will no or limited communication and media coverage. Why? This is too "conspiracy" for me and this kind of actions should be transparent.

I hate trigger happy poeple....

Posted by malebuffy at 03:22 AM | Comments (2)

March 18, 2003

War is on! What now?

Since WAR is inevitable what should one think now?

Well since War is officialy on we can only wish the people of Iraq good luck as well as to the British soldiers. What about Americans? Well Americans worry about them. Lets just hope that no innocent blood will be spilled which, of course is impossible. Even if this is blood of Iraqie soldiers that doesnt make it right. They are just doing their job too. I only hope this is going to stop one day!

Posted by malebuffy at 12:35 AM | Comments (22)

March 16, 2003

Sh*t happens.

Cebit was a wondefull show full stop.

Well CeBit is surely a lifetime experience. Anyone involved with technology has to go there at least once. My experience wasnt that great though. When I reached london I realised that my bags were missing. The worst part is that I had everything in there. I wanted to get some rest and sleep in the bus, so I wanted to have as much space as possible. When I finnaly woke up and tried to get my things at the end of the journey, none was there. The only good thing about the whole story is that I was insured and will probably get a new 7650 and some compensation money. Life can sometimes be a b**ch.

Posted by malebuffy at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)

March 15, 2003

German Hotels Rule

Finaly. My blog is ready. All this from a small room in Hannover Hotel in Germany. I just hope I will have enough money to pay for my telephone bill. Calling BT Openwold from Germany is not cheap :D

Posted by malebuffy at 07:20 AM | Comments (8)

Well, a lot better that before

You probably did never see how my diary looked like at first, but I hope you like it like it is now. Some minor changes will be made but the colours will stay. :D

Posted by malebuffy at 06:14 AM | Comments (1)

Another Test

Blog, blog, blog......

Posted by malebuffy at 06:04 AM | Comments (1)

Bloging away!

Well this is quite interesting...well for me at least!
I am getting the hang of it.
This is quite fun.

Posted by malebuffy at 05:35 AM | Comments (0)