August 11, 2003

Information for guest speakers

Update 24 Oct 2003: Suggested hotels list.

We are keen to invite any interested speakers from industry, the development community, academia, (or other) to speak to the Liverpool JUG. The following information may be useful to you:

  • Meetings take place on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, from 7pm onwards. Not every meeting is scheduled as a 'technical' meeting, so please check the website or contact us to check.
  • We are currently looking for short talks (30-45 mins). This is under discussion and we are willing to consider other time-slots.
  • As is probably standard with a not-for-profit grassroots organization, we are unable to offer payment.
  • But we will cover the cost of any venue and projector hire, publicity etc., (and probably buy you drinks...)
  • Our audience will be a mix of professionals, students, academics, and hobbyists. It's probably impossible to tailor a talk to all of these! But we recommend a balance between general interest overview, and your company/industry perspective on your specialised areas.
  • We'll post to the website talk abstracts, photos and biographies based on the information that you provide us. We're happy to plug your work as recognition for your time and effort, (though we retain editorial control for length/content).
  • We are more than happy to post links to your slides or articles after the event.
  • We may occasionally be able to video the session and hold it for possibly webcasting later. We won't do this if you have any objections.
  • As default, we will assume that you'll have slides/demos on your own laptop, but that we will provide whiteboard and projector. Please let us know if you need any additional materials/equipment.
  • So far, our shortlisted venues do not have internet connectivity. Please let us know early if this will be an issue.
  • Please get in touch with any questions about getting to Liverpool, the venue, or about finding accomodation. You may wish to consult the rather incompetent website of or call them on (0845 601 1125 / +44 151 709 8111) They have suggested the following hotels (prices correct as at Oct 2003, from expensive to less so)
    • Marriott Hotel, £115 room only (0870 400 7268)
    • Thistle Inn, £78 B&B; (0151 227 4444)
    • Holiday Inn, City £65 B&B; (0151 709 7090)
    • Travel Inn, Metro £50 Room only (0870 238 3323)
    • Gladstone Hotel £42 B&B; (0151 709 7050)
  • We will contact you before your scheduled talks with mobile-numbers in case of problems en-route.
Posted by osfameron at August 11, 2003 11:39 PM | TrackBack
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