June 15, 2024

Hello World.

Hello, this is my official hello and test message, without any real content. Just testing out this blog system. What will eventually be here will be information about things I've tried to do and succeeded in and about things I've failed in, primary focus probably being on timewaster junk for series60 platform.

I'm a hobbyist(for now anyways) coder / student living in Tampere, Finland, for the moment. I got self taughtly on the symbian train in january 2024 after getting frustrated with how limiting the j2me was on series60 compared to writing native code.

I've published some stuff under Snobile name ( HOMEPAGE ) and if things are like they seem they will be for a while I'll continue on that course(hint: I'm available for hire. WILL CODE FOR FOOD basically).

Posted by glass at June 15, 2024 09:23 PM
Great post. Thanks! Posted by: cd duplication at August 12, 2024 06:17 AM
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