September 02, 2003


How do you tell a girl,that you've know for ages,when i say ages i mean something like 15 years,that you had loved her all that time.You can't,can you?Unless something extraordinary happens like a green cute alien landing in your living room while you are watching some lame movie and tells you that you are ment to be together.

BTW:I can't wait for the SE press conference tomorow,i hope they reveal some info about the p810/p900.

Posted by GhostDog at September 2, 2003 08:56 PM | TrackBack
You can never tell a girl you lvoe her straight out epsecialy when she considered you a friend you have to gage the situation and accordingly act. Imagine if a girl you considered a friend and thought was cool said to you she loved you for 15 years you would be blown away. All the thoughts going through your head would confuse and frustrate you it would be a while before you talked again not for any other reason but you would have to recalibrate the way you behave and interact with this person. P.s cool title for the page its a bit like being John malcovich Posted by: Shadow12 at December 4, 2003 10:37 AM
Thanks for the comment,it was a nice surprise.I know i haven't been faitful to my blog but its going to change in the future :) Posted by: GhostDog at December 4, 2003 07:24 PM
Yeah I know what you mean. There is nothing worse then loving someone for years and years and years. Watching them make mistakes over and over again with relationship after relationship and thinking in the back of your mind "If she was with me then she would not be making all these mistakes" Being there as her shoulder to cry on, her dear sweet friend but never her lover. But life is one big risk! A risk where you have to jump into the unknown. It is worth it in the end, because finally you will know, you will know if she feels the same, and if she does then that is fantastic. LIFE IS SHORT WE HAVE TO LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST EVEN IF IT MEANS MAKING A FOOL OUT OF YOURSELF, THERE IS NOTHING WORSE THEN NOT KNOWING!!!! Posted by: AngelAnnie at December 30, 2003 08:31 AM
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