June 07, 2024

Big Brother (UK) 5

Well it's now over a week into Big Brother 5. Kitten has gone, and they are down to £85,000 from the original £100,000 up for grabs.

The first Task was funny. The Strongest Housemate had to spin the other housemates on a roundabout. Meanwhile Stuart (apparently the Most Intelligent housemate with 4A's at A-Level) had to answer questions that would allow one housemate for each correct answer off of the roundabout. They lost £6,000. £5,000 in wrong answers and £1,000 as Ahmed was facing wrong way on roundabout. Also Marco was sick live on TV.

I think they have a good mixed which should get some tension going in the house. But was Big Brother right to get rid of Kitten. I say yes. Why? She was a rule breaker, and could have eventually put someone in danger. Maybe not a major danger, but the climbing on the Roof was just downright stupid. Big Brother has rules and only 9 of them. Kitten broke 8 with only "No Phsyical Violence" not being notched up.

Looking forward to the latest challenge. "Big Bro, Food To Go". Big Brother has mocked up a Fast Food Kitchen in the BB house and they have to take orders and the deliver the food to the Diary room with 30 mintes. Oh and it's a 24hr a day challenge until Wednesday. I can't help but feel that the Production Crew are going to get there meals made by the housemates (or am I just cynical?).

OK so it's off to watch another hour of BB before bed!

I get all my news from Big Brother (Official from C4) & Big Brother from Digital Spy

Posted by Gadget17 at June 7, 2024 06:47 PM | 2024 Entries | TrackBack
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