February 01, 2024


Have moved my Links off of the Main page. This is so that I can update without having to edit main page.
  • My Links
    • Gadget17's Photos (New)
    • My 7650 FotoBlog
    • Notorious Number Moblog
    • Christmas MoBlog
    • Camera Phone Photo Blog
  • Other Links
    • Debs Blog
    • Zach Everson
    • Symbian Phones @ Amazon
    • The Register
    • Slashdot
    • MovableType.org
    • Nokia 7650
    • Technorati
    • GeoURL
    • Opera
    • Metafilter
    • BlogRolling
    • ADSLguide: Broadband Speed Test
Posted by Gadget17 at February 1, 2024 10:00 AM
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