March 15, 2024

Closure Of My Yahoo Groups

I had been coming for a while, but I have closed 3 of my Yahoo Groups. These being 7650-World, Cam_Phone and L_Espion (Worlds Smallest Digital Camera). I ran a photo contest with them all and now I am running one at All About Symbian.

The first 2 were also a magnet for Spam which I was having to delete almost daily, and I think that is what tipped the balance.

Letter sent to one of the Groups:-

Dear Member,

I have been thinking about this for a while and partly due to to not having the time to always keep an eye on my groups and also as I involved in other web-sites and my own Blog, I have decided to close most of my Yahoo Groups.

I will still be involved in and I run a Photo Contest there. You are welcome to enter the contest there and if you are in need of assistance I would make that your first port of call.

As I mentioned earlier in this post I run my own Blog which any of you are welcome to visit at:-

Finally, Thank You for supporting 7650-World during it's life and I am sorry I have had to make this decision, which did not come easily.

Best Regards, and I hope for it's duration 7650-World was able to help you sort your problems out.

Paul G (7650-World Admin)

Reply from E-mail Sent:-

Dear Paul,

Here in Indonesia, I have many valueable & enjoyable information from this group so far. I'm so sorry about your decision to close this interesting great group. I'll miss it soo much. But, I personaly thanks to you for all your effort to build and maintaining this community. I hope you still take care on us. And the most important think... You'll have sucssesful career in your future.

Best Regards,


Posted by Gadget17 at March 15, 2024 12:55 PM | Symbian/Phone | TrackBack
ADD ME Posted by: kazim at May 5, 2024 05:22 PM
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