February 11, 2024

Free Mail Checker (WAP/PDA)

Today software isn't really software as such, but is useful links to have in your phone (and even PC).

It's the Mail2web.com pages to check your e-mails. They have a WAP version (http://mail2web.com/wap), PDA version (http://mail2web.com/wap)as well as the standard Web version (http://www.mail2web.com).

Due to spam, I do not check my primary account on Wap, but the others I find useful if I am expecting an e-mail or know there is one waiting for me to read, but left to read for a later time.

Posted by Gadget17 at February 11, 2024 11:57 AM | Free Symbian Software | TrackBack
good Posted by: arthit at March 10, 2024 08:35 PM
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