February 07, 2024

Foundation Training

CQ CQ CQ Gadget17 has made his first radio message at the WARG. As we were with the trainer it was to practice the initial call. I also got my first QSL card.

During the evening there were only 2 of us training (the other guy works as a pilot for a major airline). We practiced some radio etiquette on PMR radio's, setting up a radio (to a power supply, antenna amplifier, antenna, and mic).

We then had a break from the training while club members discussed an event they will be marshalling in April.

Then we got to use a big Icom radio in which we were shown how to tune an ATU (Antenna Tuning Unit) on SSB (Single Side Band) then tuning the radio itself. Was a revelation when I got a hit on someone broadcasting and managed to (with some help) get the person's Amateur License call-sign.

The only downside with WARG is that it's quite a distance from Sutton. I had to get a bus and 2 trains to Whitton. I must say though that the club seems a friendly affair and it's a shame will only be able to go there due to distance for the Foundation License training.


Posted by Gadget17 at February 7, 2024 01:01 AM | Radio | TrackBack
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