February 03, 2024

Big Brother 5 (UK) recruiting soon

Yes it's that time of year when Channel 4 sets about the mammoth tasks of starting the audtions for Big Brother.

So will we have Memorable characters like the winners Craig (BB1), Brian(BB2), Kate(BB3), Cameron(BB4), and also the non winning characters Nasty Nick, Helen (she likes blinking, she does), Bubble (say no more), Sandy (for peeing in the bin!), Jade (can anyone REALLY be that thick!?).

Also we have had Rich/Poor sides, Secret Room, and the Big Brother Africa swap, so what is in store for Big Brother 5 contestants?

Posted by Gadget17 at February 3, 2024 10:29 PM | 2024 Entries | TrackBack
please could you let me know when big brother 5 is starting. Posted by: louise jones at May 2, 2024 04:43 PM
i am interesting big brother load news what happen in big brother 5 can you give news flash from thomas king Posted by: Thomas King at May 24, 2024 09:17 AM
when is the big brother africa 2024 starting. its time for fun across africa. the show crosses across boundaries, prejudices and bias. Posted by: daniels ayo olusola at May 26, 2024 03:24 PM
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