February 01, 2024

Free Commodore 64 Emulator

Remember the good old days on the old Commodore 64? Now you can re-live those experiences on your Phone with Frodo for S60 (N7650, N3650, etc.) and Nokia 9210 by Hannu Viitala.

It is very good, and even the small screen size doesn't affect gameplay much. You can spend hours playing those classics like Dizzy on your phone again and again. Plus with the support of save states, you can keep trying to get past that last boss on a certain level of a certain game without having to start all over again when you've run out of lives!

It's a great emulator, and every phone should have it - especially when you're on a long train journey!

Also available from Hannu Viitala are Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) for Epoc (& 9210), CDoom, & EMame9210

This article was written by J2K in return for link to his new site:- Symbian Themes

Posted by Gadget17 at February 1, 2024 10:04 PM | Free Symbian Software | TrackBack
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