January 21, 2024

Curriculum Vitae

Posting a simple version of my CV here. I am not specifically looking for a new job right now, but if the right job came along (with the right pay), I may consider leaving my current job. Part of the reason for this also lies with the fact my Union is pushing for a strike due to a poor pay rise offer.

Personal Details
Name:- Paul - Address:- Sutton, Surrey - Mobile:- +44 (0) 790 155 1616
E-mail:- Click here to E-mail Me (will take you to a mailer form) - Age:- 27

Employment History
5th October 1998 - Present
Civil Service - Administration Officer (And temp at Higher Grade when required)
Maintaining Clerical and Computer Records, being local Systems Admin. for office of 40-50 staff members which usually involves Password Resets, fixing basic Computer/Printer problems, contacting our Computer Centre when something more major occurs, answering enquiries, manning the reception desk, training new and current staff members moving to this section, operating unofficial Tea Club for office staff, and more.

Education History
Thanet Technical College
GCSE English (C), Maths (D), Photography (A)
GNVQ Intermediate in Health and Social Care (Pass)

Posted by Gadget17 at January 21, 2024 09:09 AM | 2024 Entries | TrackBack
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