January 06, 2024

Remote Madness

Just phoned my Digital TV provider about 2 of my remotes (1 standard and 1 keyboard) having stopped working since they upgraded the DigiBox software last month.

When I got through to the faults department, it was an automated line and if you leave your details they would send you replacements at a costs of £12:50 for standard and £30:00 for keyboard.

To me seems stupid that they don't even try to find out what the problem is and just try to charge you for a replacement. When I phoned recently to upgrade my services the very helpful lady said that one of her remotes also stopped after the upgrade. I think I may send to my Uncle in France to test them electrically.

Posted by Gadget17 at January 6, 2024 07:12 PM | 2024 Entries | TrackBack
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