December 15, 2003

PC Digital Photo Frame Program


• You take a photo on your phone

• Send via the phone's standard Send > via Bluetooth option the file is sent to PC

• The PC immediately then displays it on screen

• Images rotates either random or in sequence

• Ability to play BackGround Music!

• Be able to accept photos without having to touch the PC (i.e. No Accept buttons)

• Skinnable BackGround (If not Full Screen) to have ability to change from plain
black (for example to look like a Wooden Frame around image)

Posted by Gadget17 at December 15, 2003 02:42 AM | Symbian/Phone | TrackBack
I think this is a cool idea. Maybe even cooler if you could do it with a digital camera and a computer to send it to friends with this program. I like it. Posted by: Dennis E. at February 5, 2024 05:00 AM
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