November 17, 2003

Something Different

Click here to hear a message I recorded on my Birthday around 5am on my Nokia 7650 and converted to .WAV so should be playable on most browsers.

For other November 17th stuff that happened in Years past, click Continue reading "Something Different"

17th November - Birthdays

• 1755 Louis XVIII (France) Born
• 1887 Bernard Law (Britain) Born
• 1901 Lee Strasberg Born
• 1925 Rock Hudson Born
• 1925 Sir Charles Mackerras Born
• 1930 Bob Mathias Born
• 1938 Gordon Lightfoot Born
• 1941 Gene Clark (Byrds) Born
• 1942 Martin Scorsese Born
• 1944 Danny DeVito Born
• 1944 Lauren Hutton Born
• 1944 Lorne Michaels Born
• 1944 Tom Seaver (MLB) Born
• 1957 Jim Babjak (Smithereens) Born
• 1958 Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Born
• 1959 William Moses Born Born
• 1960 RuPaul Born
• 1963 Dylan Walsh Born
• 1966 Daisy Fuentes Born
• 1967 Ronnie DeVoe (New Edition, Bell Biv DeVoe) Born
• 1968 Jeff Allen (Mint Condition) Born
• 1973 Leslie Bib Born
• 1976 Brandon Call Born
• 1980 Isaac Hanson (Hanson) Born
• 1988 Justin Cooper Born

Music History (17th November)

• 1967 - Davey Jones of the Monkees opened a boutique, Zilch I, in Greenwich Village, NY.
• 1970 - Elton John recorded a show in New York City which was later released as his 11-17-70 album.
• 1974 - ABBA began their first tour of Europe. It was also their first tour outside of Sweden.
• 1980 - John Lennon's two-record set "Double Fantasy" was released.
• 1987 - The Madonna compilation album "You Can Dance" was released.
• 1990 - David Crosby broke his left leg, ankle and shoulder in a motorcycle accident in Los Angles, CA.
• 1997 - Metallica released the album "ReLoad."
• 1998 - Tori Amos released a compilation of her videos, "Tori Amos: The Complete Collection: 1992-1998".
• 1998 - Garth Brooks released "Garth Brooks: Double Live."
• 1998 - Whitney Houston released "My Love is Your Love."
• 1998 - Mariah Carey released "#1's."
• 1998 - Jewel released "Spirit."
• 1998 - The three soundtracks were released for the animated film "The Prince of Egypt."

Misc. History (17th November)

• 1558 - Elizabeth I ascended the English throne upon the death of Queen Mary Tudor.
• 1603 - Sir Walter Raleigh went on trial for treason.
• 1796 - Catherine the Great of Russia died at the age of 67.
• 1798 - Irish nationalist leader Wolfe Tone committed suicide while in jail awaiting execution.
• 1800 - The U.S. Congress held its first session in Washington, DC, in the partially completed Capitol building.
• 1869 - The Suez Canal opened in Egypt, linking the Mediterranean and the Red seas.
• 1880 - The first three British female graduates received their Bachelor of Arts degrees from London University.
• 1903 - Russia's Social Democrats officially split into two groups - Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.
• 1904 - The first underwater submarine journey was taken, from Southampton, England, to the Isle of Wight.
• 1913 - The steamship Louise became the first ship to travel through the Panama Canal.
• 1913 - In Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm banned the armed forces from dancing the tango.
• 1922 - Siberia voted for union with the U.S.S.R.
• 1962 - Washington's Dulles International Airport was dedicated by U.S. President Kennedy.
• 1968 - NBC cut away from the final minutes of a New York Jets-Oakland Raiders game to begin a TV special, "Heidi," on schedule. The Raiders came from behind to beat the Jets 43-32.
• 1970 - The Soviet Union landed an unmanned, remote-controlled vehicle on the moon, the Lunokhod 1. The vehicle was released by Luna 17.
• 1973 - U.S. President Nixon told an Associated Press managing editors meeting in Orlando, FL, "people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook."
• 1979 - Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini ordered the release of 13 female and black American hostages being held at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
• 1988 - Benazir Bhutto became the first woman leader of an Islamic country. She was elected in the first democratic elections in Pakistan in 11 years.
• 1990 - A mass grave was discovered by the bridge over the River Kwai in Thailand. The bodies were believed to be those of World War II prisoners of war.
• 1990 - The Soviet government agreed to change the country's constitution.
• 1997 - 62 people were killed by 6 Islamic militants outside the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt. The attackers were killed by police.
• 1997 - Mario Lemieux was voted into the NHL Hall of Fame.
• 2001 - "Toys "R" Us Times Square - The Center of the Toy Universe" opened in New York City.

Events from 1976

• 21st January - The first commercial Concorde flight took off.
• 4th February - 1976 Winter Olympics open in Innsbruck, Austria
• 3rd March - Fleetwood Mac records Rumours, which will be a blockbuster album in 1977
• 1st April - Apple Computer Company is formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
• 20th July - Viking program: The Viking 1 lander successfully lands on Mars.
• 31st July - NASA releases the famous Face on Mars photo, taken by Viking 1
• 7th August - Viking program: Viking 2 enters into orbit around Mars.
• 3rd September - Viking program: The Viking 2 spacecraft lands at Utopia Planitia on Mars takes the first close-up, color photos of the planet's surface.
• September 6 - Cold War: Soviet air force pilot Lt. Viktor Belenko lands a MiG-25 jet fighter at Hakodate on the island of Hokkaido in Japan and requests political asylum from the United States.
• Summer Olympic Games in Montreal, Canada
• 17th September - Space Shuttle Enterprise rolled out
• 26th November - Little known company Microsoft is officially registered with the Office of the Secretary of the State of New Mexico.
• First laser printer introduced by IBM - the IBM 3800
• Cray-1, the first commercially developed supercomputer, invented by Seymour Cray
• CN Tower built in Toronto - The tallest free standing land structure.

Posted by Gadget17 at November 17, 2003 10:00 AM | Audio Blog Entries | TrackBack
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