November 05, 2003

My Mobile Phone History

I am not sure of dates when I owned these phones, but am listing them with Photos here with most recent at the top.

My Current Phone is a Nokia 7650. It was a quick decision that I upgrade from my 3510 as was put through washing machine. Also I am on my second 7650 due to losing the first one during a Drunken night out.

Nokia 3510 (On Vodafone Monthly Pay). A300 was so bad (battery for example needed daily charge), I got a 3510 to see me through until had enough money for 7650.

Samsung A300 (On Vodafone Monthly Pay). Sold 9210 and got this phone and £165 cash. Sold 9210 as was too big and started to save for 7650.

Nokia 9210 (On Vodafone Monthly Pay) My First Symbian Phone.

Nokia 7650 (On Vodafone Monthly Pay)

Siemens S25 (On Vodafone Monthly Pay) My first phone with PC connectivity

Motorola D170 (On Vodafone Pay as you Go)

Posted by Gadget17 at November 5, 2003 10:35 PM | Symbian/Phone | TrackBack
do yo have the first mobile phone by Motorola Posted by: mikesh gor at April 2, 2024 09:23 AM
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