July 09, 2003


What a mad week. Everyone on my section at work is having to cover for people being off on Sick Leave, Annual Leave and Training and we even part way throught the day are feeling drained.

The managers have said that we don't have to worry so much about our target, but I get the feeling that we need to keep the momentum up, or by end of year they will say "You Didn't Meet Your Targets".

Tomorrow and Friday 2 of my colleagues and myself are doing a training course. This is even though we have been doing the job for nearly a year and recently there have been no major changes. But saying that 2 of us only do the job for say 1-2 days every couple of weeks if at all. The other one does it all the time.

We will either have to go to another part of London for the training or as it seems there is only the 3 of us booked on the course, it may be held in our local office with us 3 being ringfenced so we can't do any other work for the 2 days.

Posted by Gadget17 at July 9, 2003 12:34 PM | 2003 Entries | TrackBack
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