May 15, 2003


Is my Mum's Birthday today! Happy Birthday Mum! (Will have to get here a card later). I gave her her present last week. Got her a Bread Maker! (*Yum*)!

* * Annual Leave * * I am counting down the days to my annual leave which will start on Friday when I leave work and last for 2 weeks! 2 beautiful weeks without work. It will be bliss.

* * Isle Of Wight * * I may possibly (more possible than not) travel to the Isle of Wight for up to a week. If I can get the Moblogger software working (I will e-mail Russ at to help sort out) I will post images from the Island while I am away.

Posted by Gadget17 at May 15, 2003 09:52 AM | 2003 Entries | TrackBack
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