May 05, 2003

Blog From Phone

I thought today I would write a post from my Nokia 7650. I am writing this away from my computers in the hope I may be inspired to blog something not computer or phone related. Here I go...

We had my nephew over for his normal weekend visit. Although I don't spend much actual time with him, I enjoy him being here. He is getting to be a handful though. But what 4 year old child isn't. One of his favourite things at the moment is "YORKIE" as it Not For Girls!

This weekend I have been busy sorting my room out as at the moment I sleep on a Futon bed. I originally got as was sleeping in smallest bedroom in the house. But I have for a while been in the biggest bedroom and will be getting a normal bed.

I have been sleeping on the Futon for a long time, but feel glad I will have a normal bed again. * * Sweet Dreams At Last * *

Posted by Gadget17 at May 5, 2003 04:48 AM | Symbian/Phone | TrackBack
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