April 09, 2003

Yahoo Group gone and 24hr shopping

Well, my mum has just returned from the 24 store (at about 3.30am), and forgot her key. I can't believe she went shopping (we don't have a car) after going to the pub, and leaving at closing time. She then had to walk home a couple of miles with the shopping (in a trolley).

At least I was up, and got a coffee and some sandwiches as she thought she woke me up! He He He!

I said in a previous post that I run a Nokia 7650 Yahoo Group called 7650-World. I was also a member of some other Nokia 7650 Yahoo Groups and today, I went to check on my group and discovered that all but 2 groups I was members of have disappeared. I believe it maybe that they were distributing warez software, codes, and cracks.

I actively discourage this, but have a feeling this was the reason for them groups from disappearing.

Posted by Gadget17 at April 9, 2003 04:16 AM | Symbian/Phone | TrackBack
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