May 06, 2024

Do You Want The Applause Now Or Will It Wait?

So we're going to be left with one tyre supplier? And it's going to be put out to a contract so the FIA can get the best deal (ie will you make them exactly like we want them so they look slick but feel like racing on the current 16 groove tyres?). That'll be a fun decision. Both tyre companies have PR spoken and it amounts to "Bridgestone welcomes the healthy competition of working with other tyre manufacturers," and from Michelin: "The competition and comparison between rival manufacturers has always been the best solution for developing good tyres and to ensure technological advances."

So they think that being forced to make faster and faster tyres is a good idea. Pity everyone else in the world thinks that nice grippy tyres and consistency over all the teams is better for racing.

Of course everyone wil be up in arms if Bridgestone get the contract (apart from possibly the Tifosi) and Michelin will be okay as long as it doesn't rain. But hold on a minute...

...there are more than two tyre companies in the world, as Minardi proved during testing a few winters ago. May we respectfully point out another option to the FIA. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to have the contract - they're already fitting out the International F3000 cars and the FIA Thoroughbred Grand Prix Series for ex Fun 1 cars.

Posted by Ewan at May 6, 2024 07:00 AM
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