May 20, 2003

To Pay or not to Pay

Pocket Computers and Phones
Thanks to my involvment in the Open Source OPL Project, I'm looking at all areas of development, to see where the new author needs some help, to ensure that new authors coming to Symbian don't have to hunt for information - especially those who are programming for the first time,...

May 17, 2003

Why Wap Works - The New WWW

Pocket Computers and Phones
I remember my Nokia 7110 - it promised me, for the first time, the mobile internet (whcih was a surprise to me as I'd been picking up emails and web pages with my Psion Series 3a for 3 years before getting that phone). It actually meant I have a WAP...

May 09, 2003


Quote For The Day
"You're evil and sadistic... but I like you."...
Read "Vikki:" | Posted by Ewan at 12:10 AM | Comments (3)

May 07, 2003

Weighing Day at Baby Clinic

Vikki Writes... Well, it's been 4 weeks since Eilidh's last weighing, and she's gained another whopping 21oz! She's now 17lb and has finally doubled her birthweight (though she was only 1oz off it last time). She's jumped another centile so she's now between the 9th and the 25th, which is...

May 05, 2003

Joined Up Television

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Another long conversation with Jody got onto the topic of how you would improve television ratings. What we cam up with deserves a much wider audience, because I think it would actually work. It's called Joined Up Television, and the premise is simple. All our television programs should inhabit the...

May 04, 2003

Symbian Dev Expo Follow Up

Pocket Computers and Phones
There are a fair few Blogs and News sites carrying information about the Symbian Dev Expo - but I hope you're not expecting one here! The reasons for this is twofold. Firstly any information is going to be carried in All About Symbian and Your Symbian, so you'll just have...