February 20, 2005

Cameron Writes Down The TPN Vision

Cameron Reilly puts it in white and black on his blog:

By the end of 2005, our goal is to have 100 shows in TPN, with an average global audience of 100,000 listeners. We are going to spend the next 12 months building a slate of great shows and making it easy as possible for people to produce, distribute and listen to great podcasts.

I'll just add one point to his post - both Cam and Mick are doing one other thing that's going to bring them and their partners success. They're surrounding themselves with "Can Do" people who know their areas of expertise, and that complement their areas. Why do you think they've got Crow's Puppetmaster on board?

Posted by Ewan at February 20, 2005 03:27 PM | TrackBack
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