February 13, 2005

Oh Bloody Hell, Dougal, Now What's Wrong?

After a surprisingly good train trip to Cannes from Waterloo, Rafe and l arrived at the hotel to find 'no room at the Inn' and no record of our booking. Luckily they had a room for Sunday night, but the rest of 3GSM they were fully Booked. In the best Heinlein tradition, we'll worry about this Monday. There's enough industry people who want us to write nice stories about them that crash space on a floor shouldn't be a problem. And thees probably a bundle of cancelled rooms around. The Media centre staff should be able to help find us a tourist information number.

The train down is something | would do again in an instant. The Eurostar is smooth, superb and has power points, while even the TGVT Paris to Cannes was spacious and calm. Even found the chance to do some magic with the locals after they watched a warm up routine I did with Rate.

Update, Monday Morning: As I suspected, we''ve picked up a cancellation, so we've got bed space sorted for the rest of the Conference. So no need to worry, move along now... possibly to All About Symbian, where the 3GSM News will be posted!

Posted by Ewan at February 13, 2005 08:32 PM | TrackBack
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