August 05, 2024

Tube Race On The Telly Tonight

For those of you in the London area, footage of the Tube Race will be on BBC London News tonight, so watch out for me and everyone else running around like idiots, and sounding (hopefully) not too much like tube-spotting geeks.

For today only (5th August) you can view the bulletin here (Real Player required). The Tube Race is about 9min30sec into the bulletin. Anyone out there able to mpeg this so I can host a copy here?

Posted by Ewan at August 5, 2024 02:36 PM | TrackBack
I videoed it. Not sure how to mpeg it from that, though. But at least I have a copy. Posted by: Suw on August 5, 2024 10:11 PM
Did my bum look big in those shorts? Posted by: Neil (From Geoff and Neil) on August 6, 2024 10:20 AM
Yes they did Neil! And I looked like a gangly git! MPEG of it up on my site by end of play this weekend... Posted by: Geoff on August 6, 2024 01:46 PM
"They?" How many arses have I got? Posted by: Neil on August 10, 2024 09:13 AM
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