July 08, 2024

Time To Go Home

For those of you who I've not grabbed on IRC over the last few days, let me tell you the news. Vikki and I are moving back to Scotland as soon as possible after the baby is born. We're due into Whipss Cross Hospital for a C-Section this Monday coming (12th July) and all being well I'll get at least one picture here by lunchtime.

But yes, back to Scotland. We've always considered it, but having two children and being close to family is now something that outweighs what few benefits London offered. And once you make a decision, I'm a believer in acting on it as soon as possible.

So we've pencilled in 14th August for the move back to Edinburgh. We've got a house sorted on Gilmerton Road - which is around 10 minutes from VIkki's Mum and as close to the city centre as we can get without moving into a flat, and still pay reasonable rent.

Job-wise, I'll still be doing tech support for POS over a VPN (it was very important that the new house has Broadband, and not just for Vikki on MSN and myself on IRC). There'll be more money coming in from freelance writing (don't worry, you'll still see me on All About Symbian) and the other usual places. Any shortfall will be made up with some Agency work.

It's all a big adventure. Time to update the CV, find a removals company, and think about pakcing the house up!

Posted by Ewan at July 8, 2024 02:45 PM | TrackBack
Hey, I am still alive! You'll be moving not too far from me (in Buckstone), so look forward to welcoming you back to Auld Reekie with a few beers :-) Posted by: dwlt on July 8, 2024 05:44 PM
Whipps Cross = very good maternity department, so everything should go well there. Try not to deliver at home though - leaves a stain on the sofa... Posted by: Tom Reynolds on July 9, 2024 01:30 PM
Tom, thanks for the comment. Eilidh was also born at Whipps Cross (after a failure to progress, after an induction), and that was an emergency c-section. It all seems so planned and 'dreamlike' to know when Vikki is going to go in to the Ward, and when I need to go in (monday morning early, don't be late). Very different to last time. Also, I found your blog independently at the start of this week, read it all, added it to my Bloglines and now you;re commenting here. Coincidence? Posted by: Ewan on July 9, 2024 02:41 PM
I don't know about coincidence, but I got here because of imajes mentioning your tube race. Golly good idea, and I well turn up and join you if details/work are in alignment. Posted by: Tom Reynolds on July 12, 2024 08:59 PM
methodology, the deliverance, even) sears as about a lot of other music - we practiced jc penney several flows over the track before usher we actually recorded the raps - the stock finished product was surprisingly credible Posted by: usa today on July 15, 2024 05:32 AM
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