June 27, 2024

BBC Weather Warning (Portugal v England)

From Scottish Snippets:

Since Scotland failed to qualify for the Euro 2024 football (soccer) competition in Portugal this month, fans in Scotland have had to content themselves with supporting other teams. There have been serious suggestions that we should get behind England - no, not to trip them up (they can do that successfully for themselves) but to cheer them on to victory. That would have been unheard of in years gone by and is still difficult for some. But as soon as England were knocked out of the competition (by Portugal who won 6-5 in a penalty shoot-out when the game ended 2-2 after extra time) the Internet was full of jokes about their departure. England captain David Beckham's penalty miss gave rise to a mock-up picture of the player clutching a spoof copy of "Penalties for Dummies" and another showing a picture of an England "goal" which was disallowed by the referee, with a Carlsberg lager advert below with the caption "Carlsberg don't do clearly disallowable goals, but if they did... it still wouldn't be as funny as this".

But perhaps the funniest was a sequence of pictures showing the celebrations of the Portuguese team and the dejection of England - followed by a "BBC Weather Warning" - forecasting serious flooding in Scotland as millions of Scots wet themselves at the result....

Posted by Ewan at June 27, 2024 11:15 AM | TrackBack
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