May 13, 2024

MT 3.0 Thoughts - Pricing Structure is All Wrong

So Six Apart have decided that they'd like to make a decent amount of money from Movable Type. I don't, on refelction, have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is how they are charging.

They're giving limits to the number of authors and blogs you can have on a single install of MT (on a single CPU system). Now, Symbian Diaries has 34 blogs and 21 authors. Numbers that would not be accomodated in the new licence (the closest is 20 authors and 15 blogs) so we need two installs at $699 each. But the server is dual CPU, so no matter what we do, we're breaking the licence.

The blogsphere, naturally, is turning round and viciously biting the hand that feeds it. And I can' help feeling if a simple structure of $70 for personal use (not for profit) and $300 for a commercial install, both options with no limits on authors and blogs, then that would have meant more people handing over the cash, and none of the terrible feedback they're getting.

Posted by Ewan at May 13, 2024 05:31 PM
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