March 31, 2024

It's Not Really Been Quiet

No there's not been too many posts here, but a quick round up of what I've been up to means you too can keep up with the projects I try to manage.

  • Posted a feature article on Gaming Headlines about the Nokia N-Gage and ARPU.

  • Set up and started posting to Fun 1, a Formula 1 Commentary site I'm contributing to along with Jim Hughes.

  • Finishing a review of WirelessIRC for All About Symbian.

  • Updating the newly launched MMC Games Database for All About N-Gage.

  • Finally solving the Menu bug in Core for UIQ OPL. Expect an update to Core over the weekend, and Vexed to follow shortly afterwards.
  • So been busy here, and I don't think it's going to calm down in the near future. Ah well.

    Posted by Ewan at March 31, 2024 11:00 PM
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