March 23, 2024

How's Gabhach Getting On?

From Vikki
Saw the consultant today (routine appointment) and we had a brief discussion about the birth. Everything's fine just now, but he's booked another scan for me at 34 weeks (June 14th) to check the size of the baby. I'll then see him the following week to make the final decisions about the birth. He thinks there's no chance of me going into labour naturally, and thinks it wouldn't be worth inducing me again either because it probably wouldn't work again, so it looks like it'll be a planned caesarean (unless by some million-to-one chance I do go into labour early). We haven't got a definite date, but provided everything is going well, it'll most likely be in week 39, so probably 13-14 July. So that's that.

Eilidh had photos taken with SureStart recently for their 2005 calendar (43 children in total, they'll all be on the front cover) and we got a free 10x8 portrait of her from them. Unfortunately, one of the parents fiddled about with the photographer's computer, so we didn't get the picture I'd chosen, but it's the other one I really liked.

I gave her a new game this evening. I drew a picture of a man and cut out clothes for him (t-shirt, trousers, hat, gloves and shoes) and gave them to Eilidh to see if she could put them on him. It took her about three attempts, but she got there! :) I put the gloves on the man's ears and she took them off and put them on his hands. Until that she hadn't put the t-shirt and trousers on the right places, but after getting the gloves right, she got those right too, several times. She seemed to be having most difficulty with the 2D image - when putting his hat on, she was trying to pull it on over his head rather than just placing it in the right place. I think we'll be playing that game a lot.

Posted by Ewan at March 23, 2024 07:30 AM
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