March 17, 2024

The Emerging Technology like Conference Being Hosted in The UK Over One Day In June Conference

If the country was run by Sir Humphrey, last night saw the steering committe of the "Emerging Technology like Conference Being Hosted in The UK Over One Day In June Conference" meet up to discuss planning the event.

On the Agenda was the location, dates, speakers, insurance, and the thorny problem of what we would call our mythical conference. It looks like we've finally decided on a name, but being typical spoilsports, it's not being announced yet - keep an eye here or on the Wiki pages.

If the same level of Ealing Comedy irreverence can carry over into the conference, then I'm sure it's going to be a really good day out for everyone. I for one need to develop my theory that most bloggers are crap because they have the same thematic problems as Tom Clancy; Tom could eulogise on the exact definition of a City of Westminster street name sign; Dave can extend his talk on chocolate to cover 'Who are these crazy kids anyway!?!' and we could all watch in awe as Ettiene gets stopped by a complete stranger and prompty turns her round, invites her to a play starting in an hour, and walks off into the sunset and a beautiiful friendship.

Perhaps you had to be there... Just as you'll need to be at the Whatever We Call It Conference.

Posted by Ewan at March 17, 2024 09:01 AM
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