December 15, 2003

An Engaging Device

So I'm on a train back from meeting up with some of the Mobitopia crowd, and I've taken stock of what my N-Gage is doing. I'm logged into an IRC channel, discussing Dark Side Of The Moon; on the radio is Deep Purple; I'm checking the recent posts on All About Symbian; reading use latest news via RSS; and posting this thought to my website. I'd call that a successful and useful device. Who said the N-Gage was a failure?

Posted by Ewan at December 15, 2003 10:53 PM | TrackBack
I must aggree that the N-Gage is about the best device I ever used. I don't even care about the keyboard anymore ;) Posted by: Dazler on December 16, 2003 04:01 PM
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